Phantoms of the Night. 100 Years of Nosferatu

Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin are showing until 23. April 2023 in der Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg  the exhibition

Phantoms of the Night. 100 Years of Nosferatu

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau’s Movie „Nosferatu – A Symphony of Horror“ premiered in 1922 in the Marble Hall of the Zoological Gardens in Berlin. Its popularity remains unbroken to this day. The exhibition in the Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection pays tribute for the first time to the influence of fine art on the design of the film at that time.

The press release reads in part: The press release reads in part: André Breton considered Nosferatu a key surrealist work. Conversely, the film cannot be thought of without art historical models. The sketches for the set design, for example, include motifs that call to mind etchings by Francisco de Goya and reflect tropes from the fantastical art and literature of the early 20th century. Other influences that can be identified come from Caspar David Friedrich, as well as from the work of Alfred Kubin, Stefan Eggeler and Franz Sedlacek. In addition, the exhibition takes a look at the impact of Nosferatu in the field of contemporary art and every-day cultur. 

Beitragsbild Fimplakat Italien 1921 (public domain)

The film with English subtitles is available here.